Around the globe, demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) is increasing rapidly. LNG, a burgeoning bridge fuel, has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions while supporting hydrogen production on a large scale. John Crane has been an LNG pioneer since supplying our first dry gas seal for the application in 1991. Three decades later, many of the world’s largest LNG production sites are John Crane dry gas mechanical seal customers — and we’re not resting on our laurels. We’re investing heavily in next-generation solutions that help increase reliability across the LNG value chain, both today and as the industry progresses.
To realise LNG’s promise in the energy transition, rotating equipment solutions must reflect the complex dynamics of natural gas. LNG facilities operate around the clock, hinging upon reliable, uninterrupted performance to optimise output. Downtime can lead to substantial financial losses that drive increased gas costs for end users. Meanwhile, increased capacity often requires larger turbomachinery equipment with unique requirements. John Crane draws from decades of specialised LNG experience to deliver market-ready sealing technologies, filtration solutions, couplings and digital innovations that help strengthen the value chain.