Pumps & Systems Podcast: Pulp and Paper Industry Outlook for 2021
North American District Sales Managers Nolan Anderson and Mike Compton spoke with Pumps & Systems in a podcast episode covering the current challenges in the pulp and paper mill industry. In the episode, Nolan and Mike chat with Drew Champlin, Managing Editor of Pumps & Systems magazine, about the following topics:
1. Introduction to the basics of pulp and paper mills
2. What pumps and systems components are being used in the industry
3. How the pulp and paper industry has been impacted by COVID-19 and what makes the industry unique from others
4. How pulp and paper mills use water in their processes and what they do from a technology or reliability perspective to reduce costs
5. How pulp and paper mills are impacted from new consumer and businesses priorities
6. How the industry manages asset management and reliability issues
Click here to listen to the Pumps & Systems podcast episode.